1 | Cumulus Plan | Basic Hosting Plan - A quick and easy solution to host your website | Tiny Cloud is an ideal hosting plan for small, low-traffic websites. Whether it is a general-purpose website, a blog, or a small e-commerce website, this plan will make it possible for your website to be served to up to 250 simultaneous users at a time!
With this plan, you get:
- 1 CPU per cycle (min. Xeon @ 3.0 GHz)
- 1 GB of RAM
- 1 GB of Swap Space
- 10 GB of Storage
- Low Processor Priority
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 3 Email Accounts
| 60 | tiny_cloud.png | 10g | 1g | 1g | 1024 | 100000 | 100000 |
2 | Stratus Plan | Basic Hosting Plan - A simple solution for small business websites | Small Cloud is the perfect hosting plan for small business websites. Built for popular blogs and mid-sized e-commerce websites, this plan allows for up to 500 simultaneous users on your website!
With this plan, you get:
- 1 CPU per cycle (min. Xeon @ 3.0 GHz)
- 2 GB of RAM
- 2 GB of Swap Space
- 20 GB of Storage
- Low Processor Priority
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 6 Email Accounts
| 120 | small_cloud.png | 20g | 2g | 2g | 1024 | 100000 | 100000 |
3 | Altocumulus Plan | Basic Hosting Plan - An interesting solution for more popular websites | Medium Cloud is a great hosting plan for popular websites. Designed for popular blogs and mid-sized e-commerce websites, this plan will scale up to 1000 simultaneous users!
With this plan, you get:
- 2 CPUs per cycle (min. Xeon @ 3.0 GHz)
- 4 GB of RAM
- 4 GB of Swap Space
- 40 GB of Storage
- Medium Processor Priority
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 9 Email Accounts
| 240 | medium_cloud.png | 40g | 4g | 4g | 2048 | 200000 | 200000 |
4 | Cirrus Plan | Basic Hosting Plan - The solution for very popular websites | Big Cloud is the best hosting plan for greater traffic websites. Made for anything from very popular websites to busy e-commerce websites, this plan will allow you to serve up to 2000 simultaneous users at any given time!
With this plan, you get:
- 4 CPUs per cycle (min. Xeon @ 3.0 GHz)
- 8 GB of RAM
- 8 GB of Swap Space
- 60 GB of Storage
- High Processor Priority
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 12 Email Accounts
| 480 | big_cloud.png | 60g | 8g | 8g | 4096 | 400000 | 400000 |
8 | Cirrus Plan Plus | Basic Hosting Plan - The solution for high traffic, high storage websites | Big Cloud Plus is the best hosting plan for greater traffic websites that need to store a lot of data. This plan will allow you to serve many thousands of simultaneous users without running out of space to store your data!
With this plan, you get:
- 8 CPUs per cycle (min. Xeon @ 3.0 GHz)
- 16 GB of RAM
- 16 GB of Swap Space
- 120 GB of Storage
- High Processor Priority
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 24 Email Accounts
| 840 | big_cloud_plus.png | 120g | 16g | 16g | 8192 | 800000 | 800000 |
10 | Cirrostratus Plan | Dedicated Hosting Plan - The solution for big business Web applications | Dedicated Cloud is the best hosting plan for big business Web applications. Get a dedicated server and deploy your Docker Compose Web applications! This plan makes it possible for you to get a completely customized Web server, built according to your needs!
With this plan, you get:
- Docker Compose Web Application Deployment
- Kubernetes Container Management
- Minimum of 8 cores @ 2.4 GHz
- Minimum of 8 GB of RAM
- Minimum of 240 GB of Storage (Hard RAID-1)
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 30 Email Accounts
| 2 | dedicated_cloud.png | 0g | 0g | 0g | 0 | 0 | 0 |